We are dedicated to ensuring our group is free from discrimination, victimisation, harassment and bullying. Lowdham Pantomime Group is open to all members, and this Code of Conduct sets out the behaviour that we expect from our members to ensure the group is welcoming and safe for all
All members must be respectful of the group’s property (props, costumes, technical equipment etc), and the premises we use. Please help to ensure the longevity of our property by caring for it as you would your own property.
be polite, courteous and respectful towards one another and to audience members/visitors; and
to honour all commitments they have made to Lowdham Pantomime Group.
We aim to ensure that all members receive equal treatment irrespective of:
gender (including gender reassignment)
marital or civil partnership status
sexual orientation
race, colour, ethnic or national origins
religion or belief
All our casting decisions will be made without discrimination other than where there is a genuine requirement to do so for artistic reasons.
There are two broad forms of discrimination under UK legislation: direct and indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination generally constitutes less favourable treatment because of one or more of the characteristics listed above.
Indirect discrimination generally occurs where a provision, criterion or practice which may appear neutral and apply equally to all, in fact inadvertently puts a group of people who share one or more of the characteristics listed above at a disadvantage in comparison with others.
Discrimination may also occur as a result of victimisation, harassment or bullying.
If you consider that you are disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010 and that this prohibits or limits your involvement at Lowdham Pantomime Group, please speak to any member of our committee who will discuss with you whether there are any adjustments that could reasonably be that would enable you to participate as you would like.
Harassment generally consists of unwanted conduct (based on one or more of the above characteristics) which has the purpose or effect of:
violating a person’s dignity; and/or
creating an intimidating, hostile, unsafe, degrading or offensive environment.
It is irrelevant whether the alleged harassment is intentional or not.
The following are examples of harassment. This list is intended as a guide and is not exhaustive:
physical conduct – unwanted touching, patting, pinching, assault, coercion for sexual favours or physical threats;
non-verbal conduct – the display or sharing of pornographic or suggestive pictures, offensive or abusive gestures, objects or written material (other than in connection with a production for artistic purposes);
bullying – offensive, intimidating, insulting, humiliating or demeaning behaviour which attempts to undermine an individual.
Complaints Procedure
If you think you have been a victim of any form of discrimination, victimisation, harassment or bullying and would like to make a complaint, please contact a member of our committee.
If a member is found to have violated the Code of Conduct, sanctions ranging from a time limited to a lifetime ban may be imposed. In certain cases, legal action may additionally be taken.
Social Media
We are delighted to excite audiences with our performances each year. As part of that, we work hard to avoid spoilers during rehearsals.
Additionally, it is important to recognise that photographs and video can be considered a form of Harassment or Bullying if mis-used or taken without consent.
As part of this, it is not permitted to take photographs or video for any purpose, including b-reel, lives or snapchat within the village hall or any rehearsal or performance without prior consent from the committee and all individuals within the content being recorded.
Young Performers
We are pleased to provide a safe and supportive space for young performers to learn about pantomime and the performing arts.
We take our child protection obligations very seriously, and require all members to take note of the following:
Members under the age of 16 will not be permitted to leave the Village Hall (or any other venue used) for any reason without prior parental consent.
Members must not take photos of any performer under the age of 16 without prior parental consent (in addition to committee and individual consent above).
As a member of Lowdham Pantomime Group, you agree to adhere to our Code of Conduct by:
Respecting all members of the group and all visitors and audience members.
Treating all members of the group and all visitors and audience members equitably, so that no-one is discriminated against.
Attending all meetings, rehearsals and performances that your attendance is required at. If it is impossible to attend a rehearsal, the director must be notified as soon as possible, ideally before the rehearsal schedule is released. In the event of persistent lateness of absence without permission, we may choose to re-cast any parts at our discretion.
Caring for, maintaining and preventing damage to any group property in your possession
Not taking any photographs, videos, recordings or other media without permission, and not posting content from rehearsals or performances on social media or other internet sites.