Child Protection Policy

CHILD PROTECTION POLICY – in conjunction with the Group’s Constitution.


The Children Act 1989 defines a child as anyone who has not reached their 18th birthday.

All concerns regarding individuals’ practice should be reported to the named person.

The welfare of the child is paramount.

• All children have the right to be protected from harm.

• All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately to the Group’s named Child Protection Officer.

• All Members of Lowdham Pantomime Group have a responsibility to report concerns to the designated person:


Email: [email protected]

If the designated Child Protection Officer is unavailable, concerns should be reported to the Chairperson:

Liam Wiltshire
Email [email protected]

It is not the group’s responsibility to decide whether abuse has taken place or not, it will pass on any information to the appropriate authority immediately.

Every child who participates in activities with Lowdham Pantomime Group should be able to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm. This is the responsibility of every adult involved in the group. The group should recognise that child abuse can be an emotive subject. It is important to understand the feelings involved and not to allow them to interfere with judgment about any action that needs to be taken.

The group should recognise its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from all forms of abuse including physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect and bullying.

Promoting good practice

The Group will do this by:

  • Handing out a copy of the child protection policy at the first Pantomime rehearsal in September.
  • Asking all members to read and sign to acknowledge the policy.
  • Requiring all officers who are working closely with children to have an up to date Enhanced DBS check namely the Child Protection Officer, Chairperson, Child Chaperone and Choreographer.
  • Asking that all other adult members that have a DBS check make it known to the Secretary.
  • Asking members to attend an annual update session on the Child Protection Policy.
  • Ensure that the Groups Health and Safety checks are up to date.
  • The changing room will be sectioned with privacy curtains into 2 sections
    • Female
    • Male

What should you do if a young person reports abuse?

If someone discloses that they are being abused, then upon receiving the information you should:

  • React calmly.
  • Reassure the child that they were right to tell and that they are not to blame and take what the child says seriously.
  • Ask open questions to avoid putting words in the child’s mouth.
  • Do not promise confidentiality.
  • Inform the child what you will do next which would be to inform the Child Protection Officer who will in turn inform the Chairperson and relative authorities if necessary.
  • Make a factual and unbiased record of what has been said as soon as possible and don’t delay in passing on the information to the Child Protection Officer only.

The report should include:

  • The child’s known details including name, date of birth, address and contact numbers.
  • Whether or not the person making the report is expressing their own concerns or those of someone else.
  • The nature of the allegation, including dates, times, specific factors and any other relevant information.
  • Make a clear distinction between what the child reports is fact opinion or hearsay.
  • A description of any injuries. Also, any indirect signs, such as behavioural changes
  • Details of witnesses to the incidents.
  • The child’s account, if it can be given, of what has happened and how any injuries occurred.
  • Accounts from others, including colleagues and parents.


When a referral is appropriate, the referral should be made by the Child Protection Officer, after discussion with the Chairperson, to the local authorities.

Emergency Action

In some cases, you may need to protect a child immediately – in these situations dial 999. The Police are the only agency with statutory powers for the immediate protection of children.


This policy was adopted by the Lowdham Pantomime Group on 31st July 2019.